Studio Tecnico Rossoni
Customer focus 

Turnkey services of consultancy and corporate training in the field of occupational safety, integrated design, and innovation
Training on safety and security

Italian Consolidated Law on Health and Safety at Work attaches considerable importance to the education, information and training of workers: art. 37 of the D.lgs. 81/08 imposes the obligation to train the personnel on health and safety, with particular reference to the concepts of risk, damage, prevention, protection and the specific risks of the jobs accomplished by workers.  

Addressing these requirements, Studio Tecnico Rossoni provides training courses for workers, managers and supervisors according to the Italian State-Regions Agreement No.221 of 21/12/2011. We organize on-demand personalized training programs.  

Our training programs are also available in e-leaning mode, and allow you to train the staff according to the assignments and the tasks performed, by tailoring the courses to the specific reality, contextualizing and focusing on training interventions. 
Training activities, designed and delivered according to your specific needs, allow you to obtain important benefits: 

  • customized content based on the business activities and the category of participants 
  • full respect your corporate style 
  • savings on logistic and organizational costs 

The planning of the training service is implemented with you and according to your specific needs; our courses are as practical and focused as possible and include several case studies. 

Our evaluation methodologies of the training service - with regard to both the learning of concepts by the learners, and the content and quality of the teaching - are very strict and based on a continuous improvement approach.